Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP)

ENA Authorized

Improve Your Nursing Skills

This course, taught by qualified nurses, is designed to provide the core-level neonatal knowledge and skills needed to properly assess and implement evidence-based interventions to improve outcomes for this high-risk patient population.

The NRP Provider Course introduces the concepts and basic skills of neonatal resuscitation. It is designed for health care professionals involved in neonatal resuscitation, including physicians, nurses, advanced practice nurses, nurse midwives, licensed midwives, respiratory care practitioners, and other health care professionals who provide direct care during neonatal resuscitation.

Steps to achieving provider status are listed below. In addition, you can view videos to help you get started in the new NRP Learning Platform on the NRP 8th edition Updates page and to help you enroll in the NRP Provider Curriculum.

Why is NRP the right course for you?

The Neonatal Resuscitation Program® (NRP®) course conveys an evidence-based approach to care of the newborn at birth and facilitates effective team-based care for healthcare professionals who care for newborns at the time of delivery. NRP utilizes a blended learning approach, which includes online testing and hands-on case-based simulation/debriefing that focus on critical leadership, communication, and team-work skills.​​

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